Virtual Exhibition

on the occasion of the publication by Editions Gutta & Astula of a philosophical essai by Haruka Akasako

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Brief overview of my presentation on October 7, 2020 at La Villa Sauvage

Art questions everything that man lacks in order to bridge the distances that separate him from nature, and from his nature.

The man of prehistoric times suffered from the loss of the unfathomable animality, and the man of today still suffers from it.

Hence perhaps our attempts to imagine through art or to rediscover in the state of nature a limitless existence and totally free sexuality?

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presentation of my latest book on the occasion of my exhibition at La Villa Sauvage

“What is it about, if not the precise work of erotic arbitrariness which joins point by point that of poetic arbitrariness ?

And what does the brilliant Haruka do in the end if not to absolutely confuse the two to show us to what extent thought and desire are inseparable ? “

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